What I
In the

Voice for
Introverted Women of Color
Guiding you to get seen, heard, and respected by embracing your AWESOME™ & communicating with wholeness and boldness at work, home, and beyond

Embrace Your AWESOME™ is a core value for me and everything I do. I intimately know the challenge of having a life that’s perfect on paper yet feeling disconnected, unfulfilled, and searching for that beckoning greatness. Using practical strategies, entertaining stories, and a dash of woo, I share wisdom gained through my own journey of rediscovery and reclamation to get people thinking, talking, and taking action with empathy, energy, and encouragement.
Organizations embracing their awesome
Leverage your introversion to connect with impact & influence
Despite what you may have heard, introverts can, and do, leverage what they already have to share their AWESOME™ with confident authority, power, and presence. Amazing change-makers like Beyonce, Naomi Osaka, Shakira, and Simon Sinek prove it every day.
Let’s Chitty Chat
What’s Going On?
Who’s That Girl?
Is That
For Me?
Let’s Collaborate & Co-Create
Embrace Your AWESOME™
Every moment of every day our words, deeds, gestures, and expressions all speak volumes about us and our state of being. Life is all about how we allow challenges and opportunities to shape and make us. Life is truly what you make of it. If you believe “when life gives you lemons, make lemon martinis”, this is the session for you.
Engage Your Gifts
Everyone has the capacity to translate captivating communication into spectacular speeches – and after this session, you will be able to fulfill this capacity. If you have ever been nervous about sharing your perspectives, preparing effective speaking points, or just expressing yourself clearly and authentically, this is the program for you.
Empower Your World
We all embody the mysterious, the miraculous, and the magical. Within us all is the spark of the Divine that graces us to exist and to impact our world by implementing and imparting our Amazing Works of Expression™. If you are longing to connect to your deeper purpose and tap into your “secret self”, this is the session for you.
Let's Get Started