From a challenging upbringing and self-harm to being a teenage published author, broadcast journalist, and college instructor, “The Excitable Introvert™” Jacqueline Shaulis leveraged her successes, failures, quirks, and proficiencies to become an international speaker, global bestselling author, and advisor to hundreds.
Jacqueline guides her co-creators with “energy, enthusiasm, and flair” to embrace their AWESOME™ to get seen, heard, and respected at work, home, and beyond.
Jacqueline Shaulis is the leading authority on communication-based personal leadership for intersectional introverts™. As an introverted woman of color, she’s leveraged her challenging upbringing into becoming a transformational speaker, bestselling author, and executive coach & advisor to Fortune 500 executives…all while honoring her introversion.
Through practical strategies, entertaining stories, and a dash of woo, she gives audiences and fellow introverted women of color the tools and confidence to create a life in word, thought, and deed that makes their hearts rejoice and causes a ripple effect of positive change in their world.
Jacqueline has wowed audiences in nearly 20 countries with her ‘Embrace Your AWESOME™’ message, and national media outlets including Forbes, TODAY Show, Doctor Oz, The Washington Post, The Independent, Romper, and International Business Times have shared her communication & personal leadership expertise, insights, and shenaniGEMS™.
Whether a group of at-risk teens or Fortune 100 executives, Jacqueline strives to imbue her work with empathy, energy, empowerment, engagement, and excellence to get people thinking, talking, and taking action that shifts their world for the better. Jacqueline brings fresh, unique perspective gained from her background as an award-winning performer, past newspaper columnist, broadcast journalist, and college instructor (all by voting age!).
She is the founder of Awesome Enterprises LLC, Executive Director of the National Center for Intersectional Studies, and author of international bestselling books “Embrace Your Awesome™” and “Yes Introverts Can™”. When not globetrotting with coffee in hand or loudly singing tune-adjacent at home, you can find Jacqueline getting lost in a good (audio)book or hugging her son, his nine cousins, or the nearest tree.
# of books authored
# of countries visited
Most miles traveled to speak
# of people who call me Aunt

More Info
Address: Some coffee shop in New York City, NY
Phone: (575) SHA-ULIS